Matsubara E, Ohira T Biomedical Research, 2018 ABSTRACT: Essential oils have potential to mitigate stress symptoms and treat symptoms related to mental health. Few studies have investigated the effects of wood-derived aromatics on endocrinological and psychological responses in an actual space. In this study, we evaluated the effects of essential oil derived from Japanese cedar… Read more »

- Botanical Name: Juniperus virginiana
- Alternative Names: Red cedar, Red juniper
- Botanical Family: Cupressaceae
- Primary Constituent: Alpha-Cedrene
- Other Main Constituents: Cedrol
- Distillation Method: Steam Distillation
- Plant Part: Wood
Toxicities of Selected Essential Oils, Silicone Oils, and Paraffin Oil against the Common Bed Bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)
Zha C, Wang C, Li A Journal of Economic Entomology ABSTRACT: The common bed bug [Cimex lectularius L. (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)] and tropical bed bug [Cimex hemipterus F. (Hemiptera: Cimicidae)] resurged in the United States and many other countries over the past decades. The need for safe and effective bed bug control products propelled the development… Read more »
Antifungal properties of essential oils for improvement of indoor air quality: a review
Whiley H, Gaskin S, Schroder T, Ross K Reviews on Environmental Health, 2017 ABSTRACT: Concerns regarding indoor air quality, particularly the presence of fungi and moulds, are increasing. The potential for essential oils to reduce, control or remove fungi, is gaining interest as they are seen as a “natural” alternative to synthetic chemical fungicides. This review examines published… Read more »
Anti-oxidant activity and major chemical component analyses of twenty-six commercially available essential oils
Wang HF, Yih KH, Yang CH, Huang KF Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2017 ABSTRACT: This study analyzed 26 commercially available essential oils and their major chemical components to determine their antioxidant activity levels by measuring their total phenolic content (TPC), reducing power (RP), β-carotene bleaching (BCB) activity, trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC), and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free… Read more »
Suppressive effects of extract of cedar wood on heat-induced expression of cellular heat shock protein
Miyakoshi J, Matsubara E, Narita E, Koyama S, Shimizu Y, Kawai S Yakagu Zasshi, 2017 ABSTRACT: In recent years, highly antimicrobial properties of cedar heartwood essential oil against the wood-rotting fungi and pathogenic fungi have been reported in several papers. Antimicrobial properties against oral bacteria by hinokitiol contained in Thujopsis have been also extensively studied. The relation… Read more »
Olfactory receptor 10J5 responding to α-cedrene regulates hepatic steatosis via the cAMP-PKA pathway
Tong T, Ryu SE, Min Y, de March CA, Bushdid C, Golebiowski J, Moon C, Park T Scientific Reports, 2017 ABSTRACT: Ectopic expression and functions of odorant receptors (ORs) in the human body have aroused much interest in the past decade. Mouse olfactory receptor 23 (MOR23, olfr16) and its human orthologue, OR10J5, have been found… Read more »
Antibiofilm and Antihyphal Activities of Cedar Leaf Essential Oil, Camphor, and Fenchone Derivatives against Candida albicans
Manoharan RK, Lee JH, Lee J Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017 ABSTRACT: Candida albicans can form biofilms composed of yeast, hyphal, and pseudohyphal elements, and C. albicans cells in the hyphal stage could be a virulence factor. The present study describes the chemical composition, antibiofilm, and antihyphal activities of cedar leaf essential oil (CLEO), which was found to possess remarkable antibiofilm… Read more »
Phytochemical and pharmacological properties of essential oils from Cedrus species
Saab AM, Gambari R, Sacchetti G, Guerrini A, Lampronti I, Tacchini M, El Samrani A, Medawar S, Makhlouf H, Tannoury M, Abboud J, Diab-Assaf M, Kijjoa A, Tundis R, Aoun J, Efferth T Natural Product Research, 2017 ABSTRACT: Natural products frequently exert pharmacological activities. The present review gives an overview of the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of the Cedrus genus, e.g. cytotoxic, spasmolytic immunomodulatory, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities. Cancer… Read more »
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils (PDQ®): Health Professional Version
PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board PDQ Cancer Information Summaries, 2017 EXCERPT: This PDQ cancer information summary for health professionals provides comprehensive, peer-reviewed, evidence-based information about the use of aromatherapy and essential oils in the treatment of people with cancer. It is intended as a resource to inform and assist clinicians who care for cancer… Read more »
Plants traditionally used as mosquito repellents and the implication for their use in vector control
Tisgratog R, Sanguanpong U, Grieco JP, Ngoen-Kluan R, Chareonviriyaphap T Acta tropica, 2016 ABSTRACT: Numerous plants with insect repelling properties are native to the tropics where they are produced for a wide range of medicinal purposes. In Thailand, these native plant species have a history of use for personal protection against biting insects. From our… Read more »