Essential oil composition and antiradical activity of the oil of Iraq plants

Kiralan M, Bayrak A, Abdulaziz OF, Ozbucak T
Natural Product Research: Formerly Natural Product Letters, 2012


This study examined the antiradical activity and chemical composition of essential oils of some plants grown in Mosul, Iraq. The essential oils of myrtle and parsley seed contained α-pinene (36.08% and 22.89%, respectively) as main constituents. Trans-Anethole was the major compound found in fennel and aniseed oils (66.98% and 93.51%, respectively). The dominant constituent of celery seed oil was limonene (76.63%). Diallyl disulphide was identified as the major component in garlic oil (36.51%). Antiradical activity was higher in garlic oil (76.63%) and lower in myrtle oil (39.23%). The results may suggest that some essential oils from Iraq possess compounds with antiradical activity, and these oils can be used as natural antioxidants in food applications.


Kiralan M, Bayrak A, Abdulaziz OF, Et Al. Essential oil composition and antiradical activity of the oil of Iraq plants. Nat Prod Res. 2012;26(2):132-139.

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