Essential oil content and composition of three sage varieties grown in Central Italy

Menghini L, Leporini L, Pintore G, Chessa M,  Tirillini B
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 2012


The present study was carried out in order to investigate the differences of three sage varieties: Extrakta (EXT), Regula (REG), and Syn 1 (SYN). The essential oil yields, expressed in ml/kg dry weight varied from one accession to another and in different seasonal collection ranging from 0.22 to 1.6%. The lowest values were observed in EXT variety, at fall collection, while the highest result was observed in REG, at summer collection during the second year. In all samples 1,8 cineol is present in constant range from 11.12 to 12.78%. Larger differences are in α-pinene content that differs from 7.45% in SYN to 2.46% in REG. α-thujone is always the main component (from 20.88, 22.46, and 23.76 to 24.32, 21.55, and 22.89%, respectively in EXT, REG and SYN). Also, at the highest thujone content, none of the selected varieties reach 50%, that appear not in accordance with European Pharmacopeia specification of a thujone rich oil. Flower morphology, analysis of pollen viability, and differentiation were also determined.


Menghini L, Leporini L, Pintore G, Et Al. Essential oil content and composition of three sage varieties grown in Central Italy. J Med Plants Res. 2013;7(9):480-489.

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