Myrcene, An Aromatic Volatile Compound, Ameliorates Human Skin Extrinsic Aging via Regulation of MMPs Production

Hwang E, Ngo HTT, Park B, Seo SA, Yang JE, Yi TH American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2017 ABSTRACT: Myrcene is an aromatic volatile compound that is commercially well-known as a flavor ingredient in the food industry and a fragrance in the soap and detergent industry. Given the worldwide interest in natural antiphotoaging products, we investigated the protective effects of myrcene in UVB-irradiated human dermal… Read more »

Effect of various essential oils isolated from Douglas fir needles upon sheep and deer rumen microbial activity

Oh HK, Sakai T, Jones MB, Longhurst WM Applied microbiology, 1967 ABSTRACT: The effects of essential oils isolated from Douglas fir needles on sheep and deer rumen microbial activity were tested by use of an anaerobic manometric technique. Rumen microorganisms were obtained from a sheep which had been fed mainly on alfalfa hay and dried… Read more »