Tuning of Essential Oil Properties by Enzymatic Treatment: Towards Sustainable Processes for the Generation of New Fragrance Ingredients

Antoniotti S
Molecules, 2014


In this review, several strategies of modification of essential oils by enzymatic treatment are presented. Being either applied before or after the production of the essential oil, enzymatic methods are shown to be particularly adapted to attain the required selectivity, specificity and efficiency insustainable processes delivering products eligible for the natural grade. Examples dealing with the optimization of the properties of essential oils in terms of biological activity, odor and safety are provided, and it is likely that these strategies will address other type of properties in the future, such as the physico-chemical properties, for example.


Antoniotti S. Tuning of Essential Oil Properties by Enzymatic Treatment: Towards Sustainable Processes for the Generation of New Fragrance Ingredients. Molecules. 2014;19(7):9203-9214.

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